Carolina Heritage Vineyard & Winery - Organic Growth in NC Wines

Carolina Heritage Vineyard & WInery is proud to organically farm their 10.5 acres of grapes and blueberries. The vineyard is located in Elkin North Carolina, and grows both Vinifera and Hybrid, and Muscadine grapes to make their wines. Their wines range from dry to sweet, and you will find many varietals here that are not as common in other vineyards. So it is especially important to do a full tasting from start to finish, and let the flavors rule your decision.
They have been growing some varieties that have won major competitions like Cynthiana/Norton. This promising varietal is popular in other parts of the East Coast and has done well here in North Carolina. Chambourcin is another varietal that has done well here, and if you like a bold red, black red cherry and pepper, then this one is for you.
When we pulled into the Winery for our tasting, we were met by a couple of Guinea Fowl. We asked about Pat and were told that they are voracious eaters of all bugs and insects. They also tend to mate to life and are fairly shy. They can clean up a field in no time. We have seen this as a practice too in other wine regions, especially in South Africa. They are not the smartest birds on the planet, and you'll likely find them admiring themselves in the reflection of your car in the parking lot when you're heading out.
Carolina Heritage Vineyard and Winery is mostly open on the weekends, but they will try and make a tasting available if planned ahead. Do work them into your visit to the Elkin area and support those who offer #LocalFood and #NCFineWines!